Vision And Mission
JIS Institute of Medical Science & Research’s vision is to act as a vital resource for the citizens of the state and beyond:
- Top-notch learning environment for our students and faculty.
- Patient-centred, compassionate medical experience for them and their families.
- A research initiative that gives our local communities access to the latest medical research for both treatment and prevention.
- Utilizing regional and national assays in a way that adds value while working with our research, educational, and service partners.
- A supportive institution to deliver high-quality, reasonably priced healthcare, via great medical education and research.
- Uphold the highest moral and ethical standards, with a focus on stewardship, professionalism, privacy, and integrity.
- Uphold the humanitarian tradition and the philanthropic spirit.
- Provide outstanding service regardless of viewpoint or status to everyone
In consonance with the national goals, the institution evolves institutional goals to define the kind of trained manpower (or professionals), it intends to produce. The undergraduate students coming out of the institute:
- Be competent in diagnosis and management of common health problems of the individual and the community, commensurate with his/her position as a member of the health team at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels, using his/her clinical skills based on history, physical examination and relevant investigations.
- Be competent to practice preventive, curative and rehabilitative medicine in respect to the commonly encountered health problems.
- Appreciate rationale for different therapeutic modalities, be familiar with the administration of the “essential drugs” and their common side effects.
- Be able to appreciate the socio-psychological, cultural, economic and environmental factors affecting health and develop humane attitude towards the patients in discharging one’s professional responsibilities.
- Possess the attitude for continued self-learning and to seek further expertise or to pursue research in any chosen area of medicine.
- Be familiar with the basic factors which are essential for the implementation of the National Health Programmes including practical aspects of the following:
- Family Welfare and Material and Child Health (MCH)
- Sanitation and water supply
- Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases
- Immunization
- Health Education
- IPHS standard of health at various level of service delivery, medical waste disposal.
- Organizational institutional arrangements.
- Acquire basic management skills in the area of human resources, materials and resource management related to health care delivery, general and hospital management, principal inventory skills and counselling.
- Be able to identify community health problems and learn to work and to resolve these by designing, instituting corrective steps and evaluating outcome of such measures.
- Be able to work as a leading partner in health care teams and acquire proficiency in communication skills.
- Be competent to work in a variety of health care settings.
- Have personal characteristics and attitudes required for professional life such as personal integrity, sense of responsibility and dependability and ability to relate to or show concern for other individuals.